#35. Things That Are Happening

All three of us are sick with an annoying cold that descended on the family a couple of days ago. I’m treating it with apple cider vinegar, DayQuil, cough drops, smoothies, and whiskey. Not all at once, though.


I’ve signed up for some stuff.

One: as a crisis text line volunteer. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, I feel desperate to DO something other than just wring my hands and write Tweets. I applied for the crisis line and was accepted. Training started yesterday. So far I’ve learned some lessons that most of us would find valuable right now, such as the difference between empathy and sympathy, creative and healthy approaches to self care, and why it’s important in times of crisis to develop an action plan.

Two: for the Crown King Scramble, a 50K that takes place north of Phoenix on April 1. This will be my first ultra. It’s not lost on me that the race takes place on April Fool’s Day, and considering that the course includes >4000 feet of steady elevation gain, the date may be rather portentous. I keep telling myself that Flagstaff is the perfect place to train for a race like this and that I prefer inclines to flats anyway. What’s that thing they say? Do things that scare you? Check.

Three: for a Road Runner’s Club of America Coaching Certification Course. I’ve been eyeing this for a while now, but the courses fill up so fast that it’s hard to land a spot. I finally registered for one in Pasadena next month (and bonus, I get to stay with my good friend Carrie while I’m there!) I’m interested in coaching other runners – not the super-speedy, super-nimble pros who call Flagstaff home, but people who are new to running and want help developing (and sticking with) a training plan.


It snowed last week. Running in the snow is new for me, and I’m far from graceful as I slog through several inches of powder, trip over unseen cobbles, and try not to wipe out on roads slicked with ice. But Trent and I have been out for two snowy longer runs – a 16-miler and a 10-miler – over the past few days, and they were both lovely. Running through the woods is peaceful and refreshing. We’re so glad we landed in Flagstaff.


Snowing at Buffalo Park


On the Arizona Trail


On the trails north of Buffalo Park


Mt. Elden Lookout Road, somewhat snow- and ice-covered

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